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2024 Boeing Sustainability & Social Impact Report

The Boeing 2024 Sustainability & Social Impact Report outlines progress we’ve made on employee well-being, diversity and inclusion, our environmental efforts and positively impacting our global communities, with safety and quality core to all we do. In driving sustainability progress, we consider how every product we build, deliver and service affects our world, while striving to operate work sites sustainably and efficiently.

See how Boeing is working across the industry to achieve an even safer and more sustainable aerospace future. 

Latest News

ecoDemonstrator to test new cabin and efficiency technologies

Focus will be on sustainable cabin interiors, airport operations and safety enhancements.

Boeing, Airbus and others work together on SAF testing

A Boeing-led industry group will assess the compatibility of 100% sustainable aviation fuel on airplanes.

Boeing Makes its Largest Purchase of Blended Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Company is 9.4 million gallons for 2024 U.S. commercial operations

Boeing Opens Research & Technology Center in Japan

Nagoya center will develop sustainable technologies to support the decarbonization of aviation

Sustainable Aerospace 

We take a multi-faceted approach to reduce the impact on our planet while growing the societal benefits of aerospace. To bring these strategies to life and show how each can cut emissions, we created the Boeing Cascade Climate Impact Model.

Icons for Sustainable Aerospace
Fleet Renewal

Boeing's newest airplanes are 20-30% more efficient than the in-service airplanes they replace.

Icons for Sustainable Aerospace
Operational Efficiency

Boeing is collaborating across industry on how to operate and fly more efficiently, which can reduce emissions by about 10%. This includes improving airplane retrofit and maintenance, fleet and airport operations, and flight and traffic management.

Icons for Sustainable Aerospace
Renewable Energy

Boeing is shaping the future of sustainable aviation through research and technology development focused on unlocking the potential of sustainable fuels and renewable energy applications.

Icons for Sustainable Aerospace
Advanced Technologies

Boeing is investing in innovation and clean technologies for improved aerodynamic performance, increased propulsion and systems efficiency, reduced life cycle energy use and emissions, and the latest digital design, test and production capability.

Icons for Sustainable Aerospace
Market-Based Measures

We’re taking advantage of opportunities to reduce carbon emissions from getting into the atmosphere in the first place, investing in permanent carbon removals, and continuing to offset business travel emissions, increasing over time the proportion of permanent removals to traditional offsets in our portfolio.

Bring the strategies to life: Cascade

Bring the strategies to life: Cascade

To show how each of the above strategies can cut emissions and help inform the most impactful and effective ways to reach net zero by 2050, Boeing created the Boeing Cascade Climate Impact Model.

Discover key topics in Sustainable Aerospace

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

SAF is produced from renewable sources – like agricultural waste, animal fats, vegetable oils and municipal solid waste – and significantly reduces carbon emissions over the fuel’s lifecycle, making it a more sustainable alternative for powering aircraft.

Today, Boeing is focused on helping catalyze SAF scaling through (1) our testing, technology investments, and product compatibility work, (2) our own fuel use, and (3) industry partnerships and policy advocacy.

NOTICE CONCERNING A.B. 1305: This video contains historic statements that may not entirely align with the company’s current outlook. These statements are retained for their historical value and to reflect Boeing’s culture of transparency and continuous improvement.

Throughout our history, Boeing has deployed a suite of demonstrators to test and validate new technologies, designs and renewable energy sources. By converging the knowledge of our stakeholders and accelerating innovation, we aim to reduce our carbon and non-CO2 emissions, noise, and impact on local communities while strengthening the safety of our products.

One of our most visible examples is our Boeing ecoDemonstrator program. For over a decade, Boeing's ecoDemonstrator program has accelerated innovation by taking promising technologies out of the lab and testing them in an operational environment to solve real-world challenges for airlines, passengers and the environment.   


Boeing is focused on fully understanding and mitigating negative impacts of climate change from non-CO2 aircraft engine combustion emissions and effects, including contrails and aviation induced cloudiness, which are produced by aircraft and can contribute to both warming and cooling effects.

Sustainability Firsts

Boeing is a pioneer in creating new technologies and solutions to ensure aerospace is sustainable for future generations.

Sustainable Operations 

Sustainable aerospace starts within our four walls. Below, we outline our four key strategies to advance sustainable operations:  

Icons for Sustainable Operations 

Innovation and Engagement

We foster sustainable behaviors, innovation, and efficiency among our workforce, integrating sustainability into our Boeing Production System and providing training and recognition programs for developing sustainable habits.

Icons for Sustainable Operations 

Efficiency and Conservation

We prioritize responsible resource use, implementing measures to reduce consumption and waste generation, and optimizing building and equipment performance to achieve our sustainable operations targets.

Icons for Sustainable Operations 

Site Infrastructure Investment 

We are focused on improving efficiency, extending equipment longevity, reducing resource use, LEED certification, and achieving operational GHG emissions reduction targets primarily through renewable electricity.

Icons for Sustainable Operations 

Resilience and Risk Management

We are preparing for the future by assessing and mitigating environmental risks as well as remediating our legacy environmental impacts.

Remediation Each year, thousands of people visit Santa Susana in Simi Valley, Calif., to learn more about the site’s important place in history and experience firsthand its beauty and biodiversity.

Boeing’s remediation program is focused on using innovative approaches in cleanup efforts to ensure the protection of human health and the environment, coupled with the use of invaluable input from community members and environmental groups. This, combined with the guidance of leading environmental scientists and federal and state regulatory agencies, has led to great progress in cleaning up remediation sites. Boeing also often collaborates with wildlife and conservation organizations to restore habitat for the benefit of wildlife and the community.

Efficiency and Conservation Targets

We’ve set ambitious efficiency and conservation targets across five key categories specific to our operations:

  Performance Area 2025 Targets* 2023 Progress (over 2017)
Icon - Greenhouse gas emissions Greenhouse gas emissions Reduce emissions by 25% 37% reduction
Icon - Greenhouse gas emissions Energy Reduce energy consumption (natural gas, other fuels and electricity) by 10% 12% reduction
Icon - Greenhouse gas emissions Water Reduce water withdrawal by 20% 19.5% reduction
Icon - Greenhouse gas emissions Solid waste Reduce solid waste to landfill by 20% 28.6% reduction
Icon - Greenhouse gas emissions Hazardous waste Reduce hazardous waste by 5% 24.9% reduction
*Sustainable operations targets shown are absolute targets, established against a 2017 baseline, and not indexed to production levels or growth. All 2025 reduction targets were set with an operational boundary of the Core Metric Sites, which represent the majority (>70%) of Boeing’s operations, and includes emissions from electricity use and natural gas


Recent related reports

2024 Sustainability Report

2023 Annual Report

2024 Proxy Statement

2023 Sustainability Report

2023 GEDI Report

Boeing 2023 Community Impact Portfolio 

Previous Sustainability and Environment Reports

Boeing’s current perspective on sustainability matters is reflected in the most recent Sustainability Report. Previous Sustainability Reports are included here for their historic value, consistent with Boeing’s culture of transparency and continuous improvement. Readers should refer to Boeing’s latest Sustainability Report for the Company’s current perspective.